L'échoppe des artistes, an address for creation in Uzès

FR - Pushing open the door of L'échoppe des artistes in Uzès is like entering an artistic microcosm. And we love it!

And there's something for everyone: painting, drawing, calligraphy...


L echoppe des artistes 2MEET


Hello Christelle,

It is a pleasure to welcome you on UzEssentiel,

Can you tell us about the opening of L'échoppe des artistes? It is a shop that is adding a little more dynamism to the Bourgades district...

I'm originally from the Gard. Born in Alès, I'm Cévenole first and foremost, but Uzès has always exerted a certain magic, being an historic town.

Before deciding to open my shop in the ducal town, I naturally carried out some market research. This clearly showed me that there was great potential in the artistic field for developing an equipment shop.

What's more, the fact that I could also offer art courses was also complementary to my project.

You dedicate your shop to the world of art. Have you always worked in this field? If so, what training have you had and, of course, what are your specialities? Painting, engraving...

I came to the art world rather late.

It was during a career change that I was able to tackle it in depth and devote myself fully to it.

Before opening the shop, I worked for 3 years in a similar artists' shop. This enabled me to familiarise myself with the products and the different techniques. Art is an exciting and constantly evolving world, which makes my job particularly exciting.

L echoppe des artistes

How do you select your products and for whom?

I make my own selection. I'm under no obligation to choose my products, even though I'm part of a group that negotiates prices with suppliers...

However, I make it a point of honour to select only quality products, while offering attractive prices.

You also host workshops in an inspiring setting, totally dedicated to creation. Can you tell us about them? Who do you work with? We've already seen that the painter Oliver Bevan takes part in your sessions, for example...

L'échoppe des artistes offers one-day oil painting workshops with Oliver Bevan (read our paper), where we look at a number of well-known painting movements.

There are also beginners' and advanced watercolour classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays with Sezer, academic drawing classes with Eugène Barricade on Saturdays and urban art classes, again with Eugène, on Thursdays in the late afternoon.

There are also classes with live models once a month, and 'apéros déco' once a month on Friday evenings.

Logo echoppe des artistesAnd finally, there are also photography classes on Tuesdays in the late afternoon, with Philippe Iliesco.

All these classes are held in a very friendly atmosphere. Each technique has its own year-round programme!

Please note that there is no subscription. You buy a card with a number of classes of your choice, which you note down when you sign up.

Many thanks to Christelle Legaillard for her contribution to this article.

The right address: L'échoppe des artistes, 14 rue de la petite Bourgade, Uzès. Contact: 06 89 86 12 85, legaillard.christelle@orange.fr. Follow L'échoppe des artistes on Instagram and Facebook.

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