Carpaccio of fennel with fresh truffles

FR - Fennel, which can be eaten from the leaves to the roots, is perfectly suited to be cooked with fresh truffles, a gastronomic product par excellence.

A surprising alliance yes, but in the end, a light and tasty dish, ideal for enhancing your meal.

Want to try this recipe? Follow the step-by-step recipe of Maud Simonelli, from Equilibre et Vous, our health partner.


Equilibre et vous carpaccio truffeIngredients (for 6 people) : 2 fennels, 1 shallot, 12 cl of Noilly Prat wine, a little 3-grain porridge, 6 g of butter, 30 cl of liquid cream, some fresh truffle, salt and pepper.


Peel the vegetables.

Finely chop the shallots and cook them in some butter.

Chop the fennels, add them to the shallots, leave to sweat for a few minutes without letting them colour, moisten with the wine. Leave to reduce 5 minutes. Add the milk. Season with salt and pepper.


Did you know that "fennel is one of the plants recommended to be cultivated in the royal domains by Charlemagne

(Capitulary of Villis, late 8th or early 9th century)


The Noilly Prat is a "French vermouth, an aperitif based on white wine and a mixture of aromatic plants

such as camomile, coriander, bitter orange peel, nutmeg, among others**


Cover and simmer for no more than 20 minutes.

Blend the soup, add 25 cl of liquid cream and blend again to obtain a velouté.

Strain 1/4 of the soup through a fine sieve and pour into a siphon. Add the remaining cream.


Close the siphon, gas with 2 cartridges, shake well for 30 seconds and leave to rest.

Roast the 3-grain porridge in a frying pan, without any fat. Chop the truffle and add it.


Before serving, divide the soup between the verrines, place a cloud of whipped cream on top and decorate with the truffle porridge.


Many thanks to Maud Simonelli, from Equilibre et Vous in Uzès, for this delicious recipe.

Sources: * wikipedia, ** Académie du goû

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