The Ciné des Possibles, committed cinema
- Par nbesse
- Le 30/01/2024
- Dans Living in Uzès and around
Throughout the CINÉ des possibles programme, which is shown at Le Capitole cinema in Uzès, associations such as Citre, ARRU, Attac's Gard branch, etc, speak out about the need to take our future and environmental protection into our own hands...
FR - UzEssentiel editor wanted to find out more and spoke to Carolle Graf, the CINÉ's coordinator.
Hello Carolle,
Welcome to the Living in Uzès and around section of the blog.
Can you tell us a bit more about Le CINÉ des Possibles? When did it start and why?
The CINÉ des Possibles is an offshoot of the Rézo des Possibles, an informal collective with no official status. It's a choice we made to operate flexibly.
The Rézo brings together around forty associations based in the Uzège region, all campaigning for an ecological, social and democratic transition, social and democratic transition. They work in a wide variety of fields: recycling centres, artistic walks, welcoming under-age migrants, social and political actions, concerts, support for carers, waste reduction, placing panels with photovoltaic panels on public roofs, etc.
The CINÉ des Possibles was founded around ten years ago. From time to time, an association from the Uzège region would present an activist film at the cinema Le Capitole in Uzès, but since 2018, the programme has become more regular, the primary objective being to inform the widest possible audience on the most varied subjects related to the transition.
The CINÉ des Possible is active every year from October to May and presents a film chosen by an association, member of the Rézo. It's an opportunity for the associations taking part to get to know each other better and for their members to meet. As for us, it allows us to support the cinema Le Capitole, which in turn supports us very generously. It's a very valuable collaboration.
Who makes up your team?
In 2021, after the Covid break, I offered to become volunteer coordinator of the CINÉ des Possibles, to define the programme for the coming season and act as a link between the cinema, the associations and the media. I'm assisted by Charlotte Rochas, co-director of Le Capitole, who looks after the graphics and provides us with posters and flyers.
We also collaborate with local radio station Radio Fuze. Every month, a member of the association who proposes the film is interviewed. And, of course, screenings are advertised in the Républicain d'Uzès, Midi Libre and Objectif Gard.
How do you put together your programme, and how do you select the associations involved?
In May each year, I contact the associations to find out which ones would like to present a film during the following season. If any of them respond positively, they choose the feature film in question.
Over the last few years, thanks to CINÉ des Possibles, we've discovered some cinematic nuggets!
The CINÉ des Possibles, the Rézo des Possibles and the Fête des Possibles have worked closely together since the beginning?
Yes, an organising committee from the Rézo organises the "Fête des Possibles" every September. Fête and CINÉ are therefore intrinsically linked.
Le Rézo des possibles? A "collective of associations working for ecological, economic, social, agricultural, energy and other transitions, social, agricultural, energy, etc. transitions in the Uzès region".
What projects are currently being considered by your group?
This year, the "Fête des Possibles" will take place on Saturday 14 September in Arpaillargues. A committee is already working to make the day a... Festival!
As for projects within the CINÉ des Possibles, we are of course looking to attract an ever-wider audience to our cinema screenings, for example through a partnership with secondary schools.
More generally, we're thinking about the possibility of organising screenings outside the cinema. This would enable us to raise awareness of the associations, the films and their struggles among audiences who don't usually go to cinemas. Anyone who has an idea to share is welcome!
Would you like to add a detail or comment?
I'd like to stress that our aim is to broaden our audience, especially for young people. And of course to overcome a difficulty that is well known to all militant:
how to reach an audience that isn't made up mainly of men and women who are already convinced!
The right address: CINÉ des Possibles. Contact: Carolle GRAF. Contact:, 0637019326
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